The Department of Information Science offers an ALA-accredited Master of Science degree with majors in Library Science or Information Science. This degree provides the basic graduate preparation required for the first professional degree. The Master of Science program has been continuously accredited by the American Library Association since 1965 and received Continued Accreditation in June 2020. The degree is offered:
Completely Online
In Denton (with a mix of online and face-to-face courses)
In an off-campus format in Houston
In the form of cohorts in some states
The Master of Science with a major in Library Science is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to function as information professionals in a variety of libraries, including public libraries, academic libraries, special libraries maintained by government agencies, corporations, law firms, medical centers, or museums.

Science or Information Science program
is accredited by the American
Library Association.
The Master of Science with a major in Information Science is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to function as information professionals in a variety of information agencies, including internet service providers, web search portals, information processing services, or electronic publishing.
The master's program prepares information professionals for work in a variety of roles and application settings, including various information agencies and all types of libraries. In addition, the program prepares at a master's level, individuals who wish to pursue study in the theoretical development of information science.
To provide this education, the program rests on a broad conceptual framework that is covered in the core courses, and the program is elaborated in courses that educate information professionals for a number of different client settings. The unique nature of this program, and what sets it apart from other programs in the university that may deal in some way with the topic of information, is the approach to the study of information, its behavior, and its use from the point of view of the user.
Policies and Procedures
The on-campus and distance-education degree programs are governed by the same policies and procedures for admission, retention and graduation. The programs are supervised by the chair of the department with central coordination under the college dean and the vice president for academic affairs. The programs function under the same governance structures for ensuring that curriculum and instructional mechanisms are in keeping with the mission and educational outcomes of the department. All policies and procedures related to admission, satisfactory academic progress, courses of study for degree requirements, course objectives, and grading criteria for courses are clearly stated and published as appropriate in the department's bulletin, student handbook, course outlines, or printed program guides.