The Department of Information Science prepares graduates for significant roles in the information age and beyond.
In addition to the Bachelor of Science in Information Science degree, the department offers a Master of Science with majors in Library Science or Information Science, and a Master of Science in Health Informatics. The department also administers a doctoral program leading to the Doctor of Philosophy with a major in information science. The department also offers a School Librarian Certification program and opportunities to earn certificates in post-master's studies.
Students may take elective courses in library and information science, or they may complete minor programs of study at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Students may study full-time or part-time. They may begin their course of study in the fall, spring, or summer semester, with the exception of the Ph.D. program, where students begin only in the fall semester. Students who are not pursuing degree programs may enroll for individual courses, workshops, and seminars with non-degree status.
The Master of Science degree program in Library Science or Information Science is offered completely online and is accredited by the American Library Association. The department's graduate degree programs are available through the Academic Common Market at in-state tuition rates for qualified out-of-state students in the southeastern states who pursue studies on campus.
Graduates are prepared for diverse professional positions in both the public and private sectors and practice in a variety of libraries and information service agencies, including academic, public and school libraries, information analysis centers and information utilities.
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