Mary Phillips Scholarship

The Department of Information Science is proud to provide the Mary Phillips Scholarship for Library Science graduate students.  

Scholarship amount: $1000

Disbursement: Fall 2024.  If awarded, the scholarship will be credited to your account.


  • Student must be a first semester graduate student in the Library Science program. Information Science and Data Science students are not eligible. 
  • You must have a verifiable undergraduate GPA
  • You must be enrolled at least half time (5 credit hours or more)
  • You must fill out all parts of the application.
  • You must provide a letter of application. This letter should include:
    • Why you chose UNT
    • What area of study in LIS do you intend to pursue? (i.e. academic librarianship, cataloging, reference, etc.) 
    • Anticipated graduation date
    • Your career goals
    • Your library experience, if any
    • Any activities in the profession
    • Any other relevant information that would help us make a decision

Applying does not constitute a guarantee of receipt of the scholarship. All decisions are made by the IS Department Scholarships and Awards committee.