UPDATE: The application period for Fall 2024/Spring 2025 scholarships is now closed.
The Department of Information Science (IS) offers financial support and scholarships to its undergraduate and graduate students to recognize exceptional academic and creative accomplishments. Alumni and friends of the Department of Information Science have been generous in providing financial support for student scholarships.
The IS Excellence and Endowed scholarships are competitive two-semester scholarships
based on merit, and require the submission of an IS scholarship application. These
scholarships are available to all degree-seeking students in the IS program. The eligibility
criteria for each of the endowed scholarships is available on the Scholarship page.
The Department of Information Science Lis and Philip Turner Outstanding Student Paper/Project
The Department of Information Science (DIS) offers annual awards for Outstanding Student
Paper and Outstanding Student Project. This spring, the Scholarship and Awards Committee
(SAC) will be awarding three papers. First place will receive an award of $1,000.
Second place will receive $750. Third place will receive $500. Each winner will receive
an award certificate. Awards will be credited to the winner's UNT student account.
The titles of winning papers and projects will be posted on the DIS website. Honorable
mentions will also be recognized and the title of their papers and projects posted.
The TLA Scholarship Committee has several scholarships available for TLA members who
are currently enrolled in or planning to enroll in an ALA accredited library school
program in Texas. These scholarships include the Ray Janeway Scholarship, the TLA
Summer School Scholarship, the Van Dusen-Tobin-Kaiser Scholarship for students studying
to be elementary school or children's librarians, and the Escue Scholarship for library
school students focusing their studies in a technical services area. Please click here to access the TLA Scholarship Committee website.
Scholarships for Cybersecurity Graduate Certificate
The Department of Information Science (DIS) offers annual awards for Outstanding Student
Paper and Outstanding Student Project. This spring, the Scholarship and Awards Committee
(SAC) will be awarding three papers. First place will receive an award of $1,000.
Second place will receive $750. Third place will receive $500. Each winner will receive
an award certificate. Awards will be credited to the winner's UNT student account.
The titles of winning papers and projects will be posted on the DIS website. Honorable
mentions will also be recognized and the title of their papers and projects posted.
Please click here to download and complete the application. Applications Should Be Emailed to: Dr. Gahangir Hossain at gahangir.hossain@unt.edu.