Updated and revised as of 4-19-2024
Undergraduate DTSC and INFO Courses
Course Delivery Mode:
F - Face-to-face course
O - Online course
H - Hybrid course. Face-to-face component or regular meetings with the rest of the work done online
3W1 - Course is only offered in 3W1 session in spring or summer
Course |
Spring |
Summer |
Fall |
DTSC 3010 - Introduction to Data Science |
F |
F |
DTSC 3020 - Introduction to Computation with Python |
O-3W1, F |
O |
F |
DTSC 4050 - Statistical Methods for Data Science and Analysis |
F |
DTSC 4501 - Principles of Data Science and Analytics |
O, F |
O |
INFO 4080 - Research Methods and Evaluation |
O, F |
O |
INFO 4100 - Introduction to Information Sciences |
O |
INFO 4203 - Information Indexing and Organization |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 4206 - Information Retrieval Systems |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 4223 - Introduction to Metadata for Information Organization |
O-3W1 |
O |
O |
INFO 4230 - Records Management Operations |
O |
O |
INFO 4300 - Administration of Information Agencies |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 4306 - Project Management for Information Systems |
O, O-3W1 |
O |
O |
INFO 4307 - Knowledge Management Tools and Technologies |
O |
O |
INFO 4365 - Health Sciences Information Management |
O |
INFO 4400 - Evaluation and Development of Information Resources |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 4430 - Information Resources for Young Adults |
O |
INFO 4615 - Electronic Information Services |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 4620 - Information Resources in the Humanities |
O-3W1 |
INFO 4637 - Medical Informatics |
O |
O |
INFO 4646 - Information Resources in Business |
O |
O |
INFO 4670 - Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 4685 - Information Resources in Culturally Diverse Communities |
O |
O |
INFO 4707 - Data Modeling and Data Warehousing |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 4709 - Data Visualization |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 4710 - Information Technology Management |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 4730 - Digital Curation and Preservation |
O |
O |
INFO 4745 - Information Architecture |
O |
O |
O |
Courses Not In Established Rotation
INFO 3901 - Data Science Internship Project |
INFO 4090 - Practice Work in Information Agencies |
INFO 4095 - Cooperative Education |
INFO 4208 - School Library Organization and Media |
INFO 4210 - Information Organization and Records Control |
INFO 4325 - Advanced Topics in Rural Libraries |
INFO 4350 - Library Partnership and Community Outreach |
INFO 4420 - Information Resources for Children |
INFO 4630 - Information Resources in Sciences and Technology |
INFO 4640 - Information Resources in the Social Sciences |
INFO 4720 - Multi-Media Production |
INFO 4750 - Managing Automation Projects |
Graduate INFO Courses
Course Delivery Mode:
F - Face-to-face course
O - Online course
H - Hybrid course. Face-to-face component or regular meetings with the rest of the work done online
3W1 - Course is only offered in 3W1 session in spring or summer
Course |
Spring |
Summer |
Fall |
DTSC 5082 - Seminar in Research and Research Methodology |
F, O |
F |
F, O |
DTSC 5501 - Fundamentals of Data Science |
F, O, H |
F, O |
DTSC 5502 - Principles and Techniques for Data Science |
F, O |
O |
F, O |
DTSC 5505 - Applied Machine Learning for Data Scientists |
F, O |
O |
F, O |
DTSC 5565 - Software Engineering for Data Scientists |
F |
INFO 5000 - Information and Knowledge Professions |
F, O |
O |
F, O |
INFO 5001 - School Librarianship |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 5040 - Information Behavior |
O |
INFO 5050 - Trends and Practices in School Librarianship |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 5080 - Research Methods and Analysis |
F, O |
O |
INFO 5081 - Research Design and Analysis |
F |
INFO 5090 - Practicum and Internship in the Field Study |
F, O |
F, O |
F, O |
INFO 5200 - Information Organization |
F, O |
O |
F, O |
INFO 5206 - Information Retrieval Design |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 5208 - Learning Resources Organization |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 5210 - Introduction to Cataloging and Classification |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 5212 - Introduction to Dewey Decimal Classification |
O-3W1 |
INFO 5220 - Advanced Cataloging and Classification |
O |
INFO 5222 - Music Cataloging |
O |
INFO 5223 - Metadata for Information Organization and Retrieval I |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 5224 - Metadata for Information Organization and Retrieval II |
O |
INFO 5230 - Documents and Records Management |
O |
O |
INFO 5240 - Archival Arrangement and Description |
O |
O |
INFO 5290 - Special Collections and Archives |
F |
INFO 5295 - Preservation |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 5297 - Introduction to Special Materials Preservation |
F |
INFO 5300 - Management of Information Agencies |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 5302 - Advanced Management of Information Agencies |
O |
INFO 5303 - Financial and Human Resource Management in Information Agencies |
O |
INFO 5305 - Systems Analysis and Design |
O |
INFO 5306 - Project Management for Information Systems |
O, O-3W1 |
O |
O |
INFO 5307 - Knowledge Management Tools and Technologies |
F, O |
INFO 5310 - Marketing and Customer Relationships for Information Professionals |
O |
O |
INFO 5320 - Public Libraries |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 5330 - Academic Libraries |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 5340 - Learning Resources Centers and Services |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 5345 - School Library Program Development |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 5347 - Digital Citizenship |
O |
INFO 5360 - Special Libraries and Information Centers |
O |
INFO 5365 - Health Sciences Information Management |
F, O, H |
INFO 5366 - Law Library Management |
O |
INFO 5367 - Music Libraries and Information Services |
O |
INFO 5371 - Archives and Manuscripts |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 5375 - Archival Appraisal |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 5390 - Technical Services in Libraries and Information Centers |
O |
INFO 5400 - Information Resources Development |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 5405 - Collection Development and Analysis in School Libraries |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 5410 - Adult Materials and Reading Interests |
O |
INFO 5415 - Graphic Novels and Comics |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 5420 - Literature for Youth in School Libraries |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 5421 - Literature for Youth in Public Libraries |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 5425 - Seminar in Trends and Issues in Literature for Children and Young Adults |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 5427 - Inclusive Materials for Children and Youth |
O |
INFO 5430 - Information Services for Youth |
O-3W1 |
INFO 5440 - Storytelling for Information Professionals |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 5441 - Advanced Storytelling |
O |
INFO 5442 - Digital Storytelling |
O |
INFO 5443 - Storytelling in Knowledge Transfer |
O |
INFO 5445 - History and Culture of Youth Information Services |
O |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 5500 - Foundational Principles in Knowledge Management |
O |
INFO 5503 - Knowledge Management Processes and Practices |
O |
O |
INFO 5600 - Information Access and Knowledge Inquiry |
F, O, H |
O |
F, O, H |
INFO 5615 - Electronic Databases and Information Services |
O |
O |
INFO 5620 - Information and Access Services in the Humanities |
O-3W1 |
INFO 5631 - Searching for Evidence |
O |
INFO 5634 - Disaster/Emergency Management for Information Professionals |
O |
F, O |
INFO 5636 - Community-Based Health Information |
O, H |
INFO 5637 - Medical Informatics |
O, H |
INFO 5646 - Information and Access Services in Business |
O |
O |
INFO 5647 - Legal Information and Access Services |
O |
INFO 5685 - Information Resources and Services in Culturally Diverse Communities |
O |
O |
INFO 5707 - Data Modeling for Information Professionals |
F, O |
O |
F, O |
INFO 5709 - Data Visualization and Communication |
F, O |
O |
F, O |
INFO 5717 - Networked Data Modeling and Processing |
O |
O |
INFO 5720 - Instructional Materials Production and Use |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 5731 - Computational Methods for Information Systems |
F |
F |
INFO 5735 - Usability and User Experience Metrics |
O, O-3W1 |
O |
O |
INFO 5737 - Information and Cyber-Security |
F, O, H |
F, O, H |
INFO 5740 - Introduction to Digital Libraries |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 5741 - Digital Humanities |
O-3W1 |
INFO 5745 - Information Architecture |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 5750 - Managing Library Automation Projects |
O |
INFO 5770 - Introduction to Health Data Analytics |
F |
INFO 5810 - Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery |
F, O |
O |
F, O |
INFO 5814 - Web Content Development and Maintenance |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 5815 - Topics in Digital Imaging for Information Professionals |
F, O |
F, O |
INFO 5841 - Digital Curation Fundamentals |
O |
O |
INFO 5843 - Preservation Planning and Implementation for Digital Curation |
O |
INFO 5845 - Creating Online Content for Youth Services |
O |
O |
INFO 5960 - Library and Information Sciences Institute or Seminar |
F, O |
INFO 5970 - Advanced Topics Seminar in Information Science I |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 5980 - Advanced Topics Seminar in Information Science II |
O |
O |
O |
INFO 6000 - Seminar in Information Science |
F, H |
INFO 6010 - Quantitative Research Methods for Information Science |
F |
INFO 6700 - Seminar in Communication and Use of Information |
F, H |
INFO 6880 - Seminar in Information Science and Technology |
F |
F |
INFO 6940 - Research Methodology in Information Science |
F, H |
INFO 6945 - Trends and Issues in Information Science |
F, H |
Courses Not In Established Rotation
DTSC 5504 - Advanced Principles and Techniques of Data Science |
DTSC 5510 - Applied Deep Learning for Data Scientists |
DTSC 5566 - Advanced Software Engineering for Data Scientists |
INFO 5020 - Economics of Information |
INFO 5025 - Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Informatics |
INFO 5030 - Seminar in Foundations, Trends and Perspectives |
INFO 5041 - Cognitive Science for Information Professionals |
INFO 5070 - Development of Libraries, Publishing and Communication Media |
INFO 5085 - Research Skills for Thesis and Dissertations |
INFO 5091 - Data Science Internship |
INFO 5095 - Cooperative Education |
INFO 5204 - Health Information Terminology and Standards |
INFO 5205 - Information Indexing, Abstracting and Retrieval |
INFO 5225 - Serial Publications and Serial Records Management |
INFO 5315 - Competitive Intelligence |
INFO 5325 - Topics in Rural Libraries |
INFO 5350 - Library Partnership and Community Outreach |
INFO 5369 - Seminar in Special Types of Libraries and Information Systems |
INFO 5380 - Contemporary Issues in Archival Science |
INFO 5460 - Publishing and Other Information Industries |
INFO 5506 - Artificial Intelligence in Health |
INFO 5610 - Advanced Information and Access Services |
INFO 5611 - Seminar in Information Services and Programs |
INFO 5630 - Information and Access Services in Science and Technology |
INFO 5635 - Genomics and Translational Medicine for Information Professionals |
INFO 5638 - Consumer Health Informatics |
INFO 5640 - Information and Access Services in the Social Sciences |
INFO 5650 - Multimedia Resources and Services |
INFO 5660 - Government Information and Access Services |
INFO 5670 - Seminar in Information Resources and Services in Special Fields |
INFO 5680 - Seminar in Information Resources and Services for Special Clienteles |
INFO 5690 - Information Networks and Cooperative Systems |
INFO 5710 - Information Technology |
INFO 5711 - Internet Applications, Services and Management for Information Professionals |
INFO 5712 - Horizon Technologies for Library and Information Centers |
INFO 5713 - Telecommunications and Information Professionals |
INFO 5718 - Agent Implementation and Control for Information Professionals |
INFO 5730 - Microcomputer Applications for Information Management |
INFO 5760 - Leadership in Technology |
INFO 5771 - Applications of Health Data Analytics |
INFO 5777 - Virtual Reality and its Applications |
INFO 5819 - Web Administration for Information Professionals |
INFO 5842 - Digital Curation Tools and Applications |
INFO 5844 - Advanced Topics in Digital Curation |
INFO 5877 - Advanced Virtual Reality |
INFO 5955 - Health Informatics Capstone Project |
INFO 6050 - Health Research Methodology |
INFO 6200 - Theory Development in the Information Sciences |
INFO 6220 - Information Retrieval Theory |
INFO 6240 - Evaluation and Experimentation in Information Systems and Processes |
INFO 6350 - Management of Information Resources in Organizations |
INFO 6660 - Readings in Information Science |
INFO 6720 - Human Information and Communication Behavior |
INFO 6740 - Scholarly and Scientific Communication |
INFO 6930 - Information and Communication Measurement |