1. How many credits am I taking?
INFO 5000, INFO 5200 and INFO 5600 are each three credits.
2. How many credits can I handle?
It is recommended that all students, except those in the School Library Certification, begin their master's program with INFO 5000. You may take 5000 with either or both of the other core courses, 5200 or 5600. You may take other courses concurrently with the core courses with the approval of your advisor. Keep in mind that INFO 5200 and 5600 are considered two of the more labor-intensive courses offered and it is not recommended that they be taken concurrently.
Part-time enrollment at the graduate level is considered to be six credit hours or fewer per semester. Full-time enrollment is at least nine credits per semester. At the Master's level you should expect to spend four hours outside of class for every credit hour you take. For example, if you are taking 5000 and 5600, a total of six credit hours, you should expect to spend 25 hours per week on coursework.
3. When do I need to be on campus for an Institute? Can I leave early?
The agenda for each class is posted on the Onsite Institute website. In general all classes meet from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and, because these institutes provide the foundation for the remainder of the course which is delivered online, you are required to attend the entire time.
4. Are there other ways to get involved in the Department of Information Science community?
All students in the Department of Information Science are encouraged to subscribe to the official department listserv LIS-ANNOUNCE-L. This list is for announcements only, not discussion. It is through this listserv that you will be notified of official department business including external employment postings, conference notifications, student and alumni activites, and other related department business. Joining IS-Announce is easy. Just send an email to is-announce-join@lists.unt.edu, leave the subject line and the body of the email blank.
The Department is also active on social media. Consider following us on Facebook and Twitter for updates and information.
5. What's an EUID?
An EUID is a unique electronic user identifier that is assigned to all UNT students, faculty and staff—it is not your eight-digit student ID. The EUID will have your initials followed by four digits. Shortly after you are cleared to register by the graduate department, your EUID will be created by the UNT Computing Center. Your EUID will allow you access to WebCT, WebReg, and the UNT Library's electronic resources, among other things. Find your EUID and other remote access help through your MyUNT page.
6. Where can I get information about financial aid?
Financial Aid is administered by UNT. Apply for financial aid through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/. Find out more about financial aid at UNT at the Financial Aid website.
7. Where can I get information about my tuition and fees?
Questions about tuition and fees should be addressed to Student Financial Services.
8. How do I find out about other Department of Information Science courses?
The Department of Information Science website is the main source of information about department's degrees, programs and courses.