MS-LS with Concentration in Law Librarianship

The law librarianship and legal informatics concentration will prepare graduates for careers in law libraries, information organizations using legal information resources and information publishers. Law librarians play key roles as information professionals in the management of information, training, and information organization in many diverse settings including law schools, courts, private law firms, corporations, government departments and agencies, or in correctional institutions.

General Degree Requirements

  1. Total coursework is 36 credit hours (12 courses).
  2. Enrollment in INFO 5090 - Practicum unless officially waived based on previous professional and industry experience. Visit the Practicum Page for practicum requirements and practicum waiver request information.
  3. Completion of the Capstone Experience.  

Required Courses (9 credit hours)

INFO 5000 - Information and Knowledge Professions
INFO 5200 - Information Organization
INFO 5600 - Information Access and Knowledge Inquiry

A grade of B or higher must be earned in all 3 core courses. 

Guided Electives

Completion of at least three (9 credit hours) of the following major prescribed courses with the guidance of the academic advisor:

INFO 5080 - Research Methods and Analysis
INFO 5210 - Introduction to Cataloging and Classification
INFO 5223 - Metadata and Networked Information Organization & Retrieval I
INFO 5300 - Management of Information Agencies
INFO 5400 - Information Resources Development

Law Librarianship Electives

Completion of at least two courses (6 credit hours) from the list of courses below with the guidance of the academic advisor:

INFO 5366 - Law Library Management
INFO 5647 - Legal Information Access and Services
INFO 5960 - Advanced Legal Information and Legal Informatics

General Electives

Completion of additional four elective courses (12 credit hours) from the categories listed below in addition to INFO 5090 Practicum, if it is not waived by the advisor.

Information Resources and Retrieval

INFO 5615 - Electronic Data Bases and Information Services
INFO 5637 - Medical Informatics
INFO 5646 - Information and Access Services in Business
INFO 5660 - Government Information and Access Services

Information Technology

INFO 5224 - Metadata and Networked Information Organization & Retrieval II (Advanced Topics in Metadata) 
INFO 5711 - Internet Applications for Information Professionals
INFO 5712 - Horizon Technologies for Library and Information Centers
INFO 5713 - Telecommunications for Information Professionals
INFO 5730 - Microcomputer Applications for Information Management
INFO 5750 - Automation and Information Processing
INFO 5814 - Web Content Development and Maintenance


INFO 5303 - Financial and Human Resource Management in Information Agencies
INFO 5305 - Systems Analysis and Design
INFO 5306 - Project Management for Information Systems

INFO 5500 - Foundation Principles in Knowledge Management


INFO 5503 - Knowledge Management Processes and Practices

School Librarian Certification students should see the respective School Librarian Certification program pages for specific requirements, as their options differ from other programs.

Further information concerning these requirements may be obtained by contacting the College of Information (COI) Advising Team by email at  or by phone at 940-565-2445.