The concentration in children's and young adult librarianship focuses on the foundations of professional preparation with a specialization in library and information services and programming for children and young adults (youth). This concentration prepares students for professional positions in different settings including metropolitan, suburban, and rural public libraries, community colleges, and academic libraries where they can provide library services to people who teach and work with youth and youth-related information services. The concentration focuses on developing skills and competencies in the following areas: the history of youth information services/systems; knowledge of the client group; administrative and managerial skills; communications skills; materials and collection development; reference services; programming skills; technology applications; advocacy, public relations and networking; and professionalism and professional development.

Children's & Young Adult Librarianship Concentration - For students starting in Fall 2024 or later

General Degree Requirements

  1. Total coursework is 36 credit hours (12 courses).
  2. Enrollment in INFO 5090 - Practicum unless officially waived based on previous professional and industry experience. Visit the Practicum Page for practicum requirements and practicum waiver request information.
  3. Completion of the Capstone Experience. An ePortfolio must be submitted and passed in a student's expected graduating semester. The submission deadline will be somewhat early in a student's final semester. (February for Spring, May for Summer, September for Fall graduating students). 

Required Courses (9 credit hours)

INFO 5000 - Information and Knowledge Professions
INFO 5200 - Information Organization
INFO 5600 - Information Access and Knowledge Inquiry

​A grade of B or higher must be earned in all 3 core courses. 

Prescribed Electives

Completion of the following major elective courses (18 hours)

INFO 5310 - Marketing and Customer Relationships for Information Professionals
INFO 5320 - Public Libraries
INFO 5400 - Information Resources Development
INFO 5421 - Literature for Youth in Public Libraries
INFO 5445 - History and Culture of Youth Information Services
INFO 5446 - Library Program Development with Learning Sciences

General Electives

Completion of additional three elective courses (9 credit hours) from the courses listed below including INFO 5090 Practicum if it is not waived by the advisor.

INFO 5080 - Research Methods and Analysis
INFO 5210 - Introduction to Cataloging and Classification (pre-requisite INFO 5200)
INFO 5220 - Advanced Cataloging and Classification (pre-requisite INFO 5210)
INFO 5300 - Management of Information Agencies
INFO 5302 - Advanced Management of Information Agencies (pre-requisite INFO 5300)
INFO 5303 - Financial and Human Resource Management in Information Agencies
INFO 5410 - Adult Materials and Reading Interests
INFO 5415 - Graphic Novels and Comics
INFO 5427 - Inclusive Materials for Children and Youth
INFO 5440 - Storytelling for Information Professionals
INFO 5441- Advanced Storytelling (pre-requisite INFO 5440)
INFO 5685 - Information Resources and Services in Culturally Diverse Communities
INFO 5845 - Creating Online Content for Youth Services
Youth Librarianship Concentration - For students starting in or prior to Summer 2024

General Degree Requirements

  1. Total coursework is 36 credit hours (12 courses).
  2. Enrollment in INFO 5090 - Practicum unless officially waived based on previous professional and industry experience. Visit the Practicum Page for practicum requirements and practicum waiver request information.
  3. Completion of the Capstone Experience. An ePortfolio must be submitted and passed in a student's expected graduating semester. The submission deadline will be somewhat early in a student's final semester. (February for Spring, May for Summer, September for Fall graduating students). 

Required Courses (9 credit hours)

INFO 5000 - Information and Knowledge Professions
INFO 5200 - Information Organization
INFO 5600 - Information Access and Knowledge Inquiry

​A grade of B or higher must be earned in all 3 core courses. 

Guided Electives

Completion of at least two of the following major prescribed courses (6 credit hours) with the guidance of the academic advisor:

INFO 5080 - Research Methods and Analysis
INFO 5210 - Introduction to Cataloging and Classification
INFO 5223 - Metadata and Networked Information Organization/Retrieval
INFO 5300 - Management of Information Agencies
INFO 5400 - Information Resources Development

Concentration Electives

Completion of at least four courses (12 hours) from the list of courses below with the guidance of the academic advisor:

INFO 5210 - Introduction to Cataloging and Classification
INFO 5300 - Management of Information Agencies
INFO 5320 - Public Libraries
INFO 5400 - Information Resources Development
INFO 5420 - Literature for Youth OR INFO 5421 - Literature for Youth in Public Libraries
INFO 5440 - Storytelling for Information Professionals
INFO 5445 - History and Culture of Youth Information Services
INFO 5685 - Information Resources and Services in Culturally Diverse Communities

General Electives

Completion of additional three elective courses (9 credit hours) from the courses listed below including INFO 5090 Practicum if it is not waived by the advisor.

INFO 5220 - Advanced Cataloging and Classification
INFO 5223 - Metadata and Networked Information Organization & Retrieval I
INFO 5300 - Management of Information Agencies
INFO 5302 - Advanced Management of Information Agencies
INFO 5303 - Financial and Human Resource Management in Information Agencies
INFO 5310 - Marketing & Customer Relationships for Information Professionals 

INFO 5320 - Public Libraries
INFO 5330 - Academic Libraries
INFO 5410 - Adult Materials and Reading Interests
INFO 5415 - Graphic Novels and Comic for Youth and Adults
INFO 5427 - Multi-ethnic Materials for Children and Young Adults
INFO 5441- Advanced Storytelling
INFO 5445 - History and (Culture) of Youth Information Services
INFO 5685 - Information Resources and Services in Culturally Diverse Communities
INFO 5814 - Web Content Development and Maintenance
INFO 5845 - Creating Online Content for Youth Services


(NOTE: This concentration DOES NOT prepare one to work or be certified in a school library setting. Students interested in School Librarianship should consult the School Librarian Certification program page). 

Further information concerning program requirements may be obtained by contacting the College of Information (COI) Advising Team by email at  or by phone at 940-565-2445.

For additional information about the program content, contact the program coordinator at