The Department of Information Science faculty have voted to remove the face-to-face component for the three core courses in the Master of Science in Information Science and the Master of Science in Library Science degree program. The program can now be completed 100% online.
The onsite component known as “Onsite Institutes” required students to meet onsite in Denton, Houston, or cohort specific locations, typically over a weekend in the first two semesters of the students’ program. The onsite institutes served as an introduction to the three core courses – INFO 5000, 5200 and 5600 - in the MSLS and MSIS programs.
The removal of the onsite component will provide added flexibility to the program, as students have the option of completing their degree completely online with no face-to-face requirement. Some classes will still be delivered face-to-face in Denton or using a hybrid format.
Beginning Fall 2020, the Department will host an online Open House each academic year in the Fall semester to provide an orientation for newly admitted students and to engage current students. All students in the department are encouraged to participate.