Mary Phillips Scholarship

The Department of Information Science is proud to provide the Mary Phillips Scholarship for Library Science graduate students
 Pertinent information: 

  • Scholarship amount: $1000 minimum.  Actual amount may exceed $1000 depending on the number of qualified applicants
  • The application period is July 1, 2024 through August 31, 2024.  Please follow the application instructions below.
  • Applicants must be accepted into the program or have an application being actively considered, by August 31, 2024.
  • Applicants do not have to be enrolled (though they may do so if they wish) in Fall 2024, but MUST enroll in at least 5 credit hours of graduate Library Science classes in the department in Spring 2025.  Awardees who fail to enroll in the minimum number of hours for the Spring will forfeit their scholarship.  
  • The Scholarship committee will consider and process awards during September 2024.
  • Awardees will be notified between mid-September through mid-October 2024. 
  • If awarded, the scholarship will be credited to your account after the Spring 2025 census date (January 25, 2025).  It may take Financial Aid several days to process your awards, once we pass the census date. 
  • Applying for and being qualified for this scholarship does not guarantee you will be awarded this scholarship.
  • This is a competitive scholarship and under certain circumstances includes a fee waiver for Spring 2025.
  • The scholarship disbursal cannot be retroactively applied to Fall 2024 nor applied to Summer 2025. 
  • If there are a large number of qualified applicants, you may be relegated to an “Alternates” list from which we will draw names if other applicants reject or become disqualified for their awards.  This list may remain viable until after the January 25th census date. 
  • We will do our best to notify all applicants of their status, but if you have not been notified that you are an awardee or are on the "Alternates” list by November 1, 2024, you can conclude that you have not been awarded this scholarship. 


  • Student must be a new Library Science  graduate student starting in the Library Science program either in Fall 2024 or Spring 2025.  Information Science, Health Informatics and Data Science students are not eligible. 
  • You must have a verifiable undergraduate GPA.
  • You must be enrolled in the minimum number of required graduate program hours  in Spring 2025.
  • You must fill out all parts of the application.
  • You must provide a letter of application. Do not exceed 500 words.  This letter should include:
    • Why you chose UNT
    • What area of study in LIS do you intend to pursue? (i.e. academic librarianship, cataloging, reference, etc.) 
    • Confirmation that you are in the Library Science program (not Information Science, Data Science or Health Informatics
    • Anticipated graduation date
    • Your career goals
    • Your library experience, if any
    • Any activities in the profession
    • Any other relevant information that would help us make a decision

 Applying does not constitute a guarantee of receipt of the scholarship. All decisions are made by the IS Department Scholarships and Awards committee.

To apply for this scholarship, Click on THIS LINK and fill out all appropriate information. 

Questions should be directed to