The master's program goal is to prepare students for careers as information professionals in a variety of roles and settings. The master's program objectives are for students to demonstrate knowledge and skills related to:
- The roles and impact of information policies, practices, and information itself on diverse populations, including under-served groups, in a rapidly changing technological and global information society.
- The design and implementation of conceptual and technological systems and services to facilitate the discovery, identification, selection, acquisition, organization and description, storage and retrieval, preservation, dissemination, management, and use of recordable information and knowledge in any format for effective access.
- Human information behavior in order to develop and implement information systems and services that meet user needs related to information and knowledge creation, communication, discovery, identification, selection, retrieval, analysis, interpretation, evaluation, synthesis, management, and use.
- Communication and networking for personal and professional growth, leadership, collaboration, policy development, and change management.
- Teaching, research, and service, including interdisciplinary activities that contribute to the advancement of the field.
- The philosophy, principles, and legal and ethical responsibilities of the field.