Greater LA Cohort


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The Department of Information Science is offering its ALA-accredited Master's degree program with majors in Library Science or Information Science to students residing in the Greater Los Angeles area, beginning Fall 2019.

Students enrolled in the cohort will earn their Master's degree by attending a two-day institute in the fall and a one-day institute in spring 2020, and complete the remainder of their coursework online! 

Note: The Los Angeles cohort will not have a dedicated face to face meeting for the Spring 2020 semester. The Los Angeles section is being combined with the El Paso cohort sections due to enrollment. Los Angeles students have the option of traveling to attend the El Paso cohort if they choose to, or they can attend an online Zoom meeting session. Balance of course is online for the rest of the semester. 

The El Paso spring 2020 Institute will be held on Saturday, January 18, 2020, at the Double Tree by Hilton, El Paso Downtown, 600 N. El Paso Street, TX, 79901.

The Onsite Institute portion of the Master's program includes an orientation, advising session with the cohort director, technology training, and instruction in the core courses as well as time to socialize with fellow students, faculty and professionals in the LIS field. This group will form social bonds during the Institutes that will continue and expand throughout the online portion of the program using a variety of communication tools. The Department is committed to this cohort approach as it provides the foundation for a vibrant learning community. 


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