Advanced Management in Libraries and Information Agencies

The Graduate Academic Certificate in Advanced Management in Libraries and Information Agencies provides the student with a comprehensive working knowledge of the fundamental principles of library and information agency management, public awareness, planning, human resources, and financial operations.

Graduates will develop knowledge and skills to effectively lead their organizations; utilize the latest research and practices in the areas of management, partnerships, budgeting, and public presentations; and foster external relationships.

Graduates will learn to effectively organize their library or information agency's internal resources for improved accessibility and productivity.

Who needs this Certificate?

  • Potential librarians who foresee being in a management position
  • Practicing librarians who foresee being in a management position
  • Information managers who want to update their management skills

Why is this Certificate so valuable?

  • There is an impending wave of library and information manager retirements that will create thousands of open positions.
  • Information agency managers earn higher salaries: between 10 and 30,000 dollars more than librarians who do not supervise.
  • Few existing programs are aimed at preparing practitioners to move into management positions.

Course Requirements:

INFO 5300. Management of Information Agencies. 3 hours. Management principles and practices. Problem-solving, public relations and program development. Libraries and information centers and their social and political context. Coping with change. Facilities and equipment. Representative research and data analysis.

INFO 5302. Advanced Management of Information Agencies. 3 hours. Advanced topics in administration of different types of libraries, information systems and related agencies; planning and program development; personnel and financial management; legal problems and political relations; problem-solving and decision making; project and systems management; funding and support; issues and trends. Individual investigation of selected problems. Prerequisite: INFO 5300

INFO 5303. Financial and Human Resource Management in Information Agencies. 3 hours. Problems and topics in personnel and financial management. Recruitment, training and supervision. Work environments; position and staff evaluation; wage and salary management; collective bargaining; funding; budgeting and accounting systems; expenditure and income control; audits; inventory control; insurance. Current trends and case studies of common problems. Prerequisite: INFO 5300

One of the following courses:

INFO 5320. Public Libraries. 3 hours. Problems of organization and management of public libraries and urban/rural library systems; their resources, functions and services. Related municipal, regional and state information agencies and services. Federal and state programs; development and trends. Individual investigation of major issues and topics.

INFO 5330. Academic Libraries. 3 hours. Problems of organization and management of university, college and community college libraries; their resources, functions and services. Federal and state programs; development and trends. Individual investigation of major issues and topics.

INFO 5340. Learning Resources Centers and Services. 3 hours. Role and functions of library/media centers in school, college and other settings. Problems of organization and management. Kinds of learning resources and services. Federal and state programs; development and trends. Individual investigation of major issues and topics. Prerequisite: Completion of school librarianship program of study.

INFO 5360. Special Libraries and Information Centers. 3 hours. Study of selected types of special libraries, information systems and related organizations and their historical development, administration, resources, functions and services. Students are introduced to the problems of operating small libraries with unusual clienteles, consulting and the development of new information centers.

INFO 5365. Health Sciences Information Management. 3 hours. Development of health sciences libraries and information centers. Principles of management, staffing, budgeting and organization of various types of health sciences information systems. Technical processes and public services. Application of computer and information technology to health sciences library processes.

INFO 5366. Law Library Management. 3 hours. Survey of the history and development, characteristics and distribution of law libraries in the United States. Role and function of law libraries or collections in academic, government or private institutional contexts. Problems of law library administration, including organization, personnel and financial management, library planning, marketing and evaluation. Study of tools for collection development, collection development plans and technical processes. Introduction to the profession of law librarianship.

Once You Are Admitted

Once admitted, you will be assigned an advisor who will assist you in getting enrolled for classes and beginning the Graduate Academic Certificate Program.

Note: If you are a current UNT student and you are applying for a GAC, please complete the Application for Concurrent Graduate Academic Certificate Programs (EUID and UNT password login required) so that your academic certificate program will show up on your transcript. If you do not complete the form before your graduating semester, the Toulouse Graduate School will not accept your request for the certificate.

Academic Certificate Completion Form and Request to Receive Your Certificate

Once you complete your course work, please submit the Request for Graduate Academic Certificate of Completion form to receive your certificate.

Contact Information:

Title Contact E-mail
Coordinator Dr. Brady Lund
Asst. Dir., Student Support Services Rachel Hall
Interim Chair Dr. Yunfei Du