In the bustling world of job hunting, Renu Chaurasia emerged as a rising star. Graduating this May with a Master's Degree in Data Science, her journey was nothing short of remarkable, involving 200 applications, 20 nerve-wracking interviews, and the eventual sweet victory of three job offers. Renu's destination? The prestigious role of Senior Data Engineer at GSK Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, nestled in the heart of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Jeonghyun Kim
            Renu Chaurasia

Renu's path to success was anything but easy. Her adventure began in the crisp, promising days of the fall 2022 semester, well before her forthcoming graduation. "Job hunting was an immense task," Renu confesses. "It consumed time and effort like nothing else." Her initial attempts bore little fruit, and the lone interview she secured ended in disappointment when a coding question left her stumped.

However, from this seemingly discouraging experience, Renu became more determined. She sought the guidance of Anna Motes, the COI Career Coach, for a much-needed resume rescue and cover letter overhaul. Renu couldn't emphasize enough how invaluable Anna's insights were. "She pinpointed the mistakes in my resume and showed me how to fix them. Her feedback was pure gold." Renu also rolled up her sleeves, diving headfirst into learning basic Python programming and SQL, determined to tackle any coding question thrown her way in future interviews.

The fruits of her labor paid off. Renu found herself holding three enticing job offers from heavyweights GSK, Fidelity, and HCL Tech. What swayed her decision in the end was the recognition of her previous experience in her home country and her internship at TechnoGen Inc. Last month, she began working at GSK, embarking on a fascinating project involving data organization and modeling in the Azure ecosystem.

Reflecting on her time at UNT, Renu heaps praise on two mentors who lit her path to success. Dr. Haihua Chen's classes were a delight and offered practical insights in bite-sized, digestible portions. Then there was Dr. Wael Korani, who demystified the intricate workings of machine learning. "I owe a great deal to both of them," Renu acknowledges with gratitude. Her love for UNT meant she never missed a single class, fearing she might miss out on a nugget of wisdom.

For those who follow in her footsteps, Renu dishes out some sage advice. She encourages students to immerse themselves in every possible opportunity, from joining the UNT Data Science organization, attending field-specific events, to even exploring part-time gigs on campus.

But perhaps her most crucial piece of advice is this: Start your job hunt early, as early as seven months before graduation. Learning the ropes of the interviewing process takes time, she insists, and it's a skill that grows sharper with practice.

Published October 3, 2023.