Department of Information Science Professor, Dr. Suliman Hawamdeh is a keynote speaker at the 2020 International Conference on Business and Technology (ICBT). The conference is hosted by the EuroMid Academy of Business & Technology (EMABT). EMABT aims to support the academic ‎community in Europe, the Middle East, and other countries worldwide, and manages a range of conferences worldwide as well as offering an on-line Academic Bookshop, Publishing and Dissertation Service.

Suliman Hawamdeh
 Dr. Suliman Hawamdeh

The objective of the ICBT conference is to gather leading academicians, scholars, and researchers to share their knowledge and ideas, and to discuss current development in the fields of business, education, social, and technology. The conference will be held November 14 - 15, 2020.

The title of Dr. Hawamdeh's presentation is "COVID-19 Response & The Tragedy of the Commons". In this presentation, he will discuss the role of technology and knowledge management system in dealing with crises in a complex environment.

Dr. Hawamdeh is currently the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Information & Knowledge Management. He is also this year's recipient of the Professional Contribution to LIS Education Award by the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE). This award is given to an ALISE member for ‘regular and sustained service that promotes and strengthens the broad areas of library and information science education through the holding of appropriate offices and positions within the profession.’  In his professional career, Dr. Hawamdeh has delivered several keynote presentations at conferences and events around the world.

For more details about Dr. Hawamdeh's presentation, visit the conference website.