Congratulations to Information Science Ph.D. graduate, Schenita Floyd, and doctoral candidates Amanda Hovious and Stacy Milburn who received recognition for their posters in the Jean Tague Sutcliffe Doctoral Student Research Poster Competition at the Association for Library & Information Science Education (ALISE) 2021 Annual Conference.
Schenita Floyd, a recent graduate of the Information Science doctoral program received first place (tie) for her poster “Artificial Intelligence Teammates in A Collaborative Information Seeking Environment from The Perspective of Women Engineers in the United States." Floyd’s research collected design requirements from women engineers on artificial intelligence teammates in workplace technology tools such as Microsoft Teams and Trello. The study revealed possible solutions to sociotechnical issues that could arise from AI teammates in the workplace. Floyd's research interests are in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, project management, and team collaboration with man and machine.
Honorable Mentions
Amanda Hovious received an honorable mention for her poster "Using Information Theory to Analyze Multimodal Readability." Hovious' study explored the viability of transinformation analysis to measure the readability of a multimodal document with 15 middle-grade advanced readers serving as the study population. In addition to theoretical and methodological implications, the findings from the study hold practical implications for the need to create more multimodal reading experiences in today’s classrooms and libraries.
Stacie Milburn also received an honorable mention for her poster “Collaboration of School Librarians and Teachers of Life Skills Services." Milburn's study aims to use Montiel-Overall’s (2008) Teacher and Librarian Collaboration Model (TLC Model) for teachers and librarians to evaluate the effects of special education teachers’ and school librarians’ perceptions of library services for students who receive Life Skills Services (LSS) on their willingness to collaborate in K-12 public schools across the United States.
The Jean Tague Sutcliffe Doctoral Student Research Poster Competition was established in memory of Jean Tague-Sutcliffe, professor and former dean of the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at the University of Western Ontario whose research made significant contributions to the theoretical, methodological, and practical foundations of library and information science. Posters are judged in the areas of practical, theoretical and statistical significance; design and method; organization, clarity and aesthetics; and oral presentation.
For more information about the 2021 ALISE awards visit:
Published October 18, 2021