The Department of Information Science (IS) was well represented at both the 12th International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM) and the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) conference held in Vienna, Austria and Copenhagen, Denmark, respectively. Students and faculty of the IS Department attended and presented papers at both conferences.
At ICKM, Dr. Suliman Hawamdeh, Dr. John Edwards and Dr. Hsia-Ching Chang organized a panel in Analytics and Knowledge Management. The panel was very successful, with panelists and participants from both academics and industries engaging in thoughtful and informative discussions. In addition, Dr. Chang and Dr. Hawamdeh presented a work-in-progress paper entitled "Envisioning the Role of Data Analytics in Knowledge Management."
Dr. Oksana Zavalina also presented a paper "Developing an Empirically-Based Framework of Metadata Change and Exploring Relation between Metadata Change and Metadata Quality in MARC Library Metadata" a paper written with three doctoral students: Slava Zavalin, Shadi Shakeri, and Priya Kizhakkethil.
PhD students shined at the ASIS&T conference. The UNT student chapter was recognized at the conference for their first place win for Membership Growth in 2016, an impressive accomplishment considering it was their first year reinstating the chapter. Hillary Stark, doctoral student and vice president of the student chapter, was also the recipient of the New Leader Award, a recognition given to ASIS&T members who show leadership potential within the field. This is a 2-year award, inclusive of taking a leadership role with one of the ASIS&T special interest groups, of which Hillary chose the Social Informatics group and will be the Communications Director for the group.
Miyoung Chong, a doctoral student, presented a paper and poster entitled “Sentiment Analysis and Topic Extraction of the Twitter Network of #Prayforparis."
Dr. Oksana Zavalina co-presented a poster "Quality Over Time: A Longitudinal Quantitative Analysis of Metadata Change in RDA-based MARC Bibliographic Records Representing Video Resources", coauthored with Dr. Shawne Miksa and doctoral student Slava Zavalin.
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