The Department of Library & Information Sciences wishes to congratulate Tammy Westergard on her recent Library Journal 'Movers & Shakers 2016 - Change Agents' award! Fifteen years old and now over 750 leaders strong, Library Journal’s Movers & Shakers (M&S) celebrates those who are changing the face of libraries of all types. Movers represent many more unsung individuals in the field who deliver exemplary service every day as they usher in the library of the future.  

Tammy is currently the Director of Libraries for the Jackson County Library District. She is a graduate of the Nevada/Utah cohort, earning her MLS with a Graduate Academic Certificate in Advanced Management in 2014. She also holds a BA in Speech Communication from the University of Nevada, Reno. Tammy's professional focus is on strategic planning that leverages partnerships through shared and complementary policy between institutions. She is also very focused on workforce training and development of the public library as the essential “onramp” for working-age citizens to reframe or gain new marketable skills. 

The current Movers & Shakers 2016 class will be celebrated at the American Library Association annual conference this year at a reception on June 24, 3:00 –5:00 p.m.

For the full Library Journal article featuring Tammy, visit: