Program Overview
The Master of Science in Health Informatics (MS-HI) program at UNT is designed to
educate leaders in health informatics who can apply data science and information management
methods and techniques to improve the delivery of healthcare with a patient-centered
focus in diversified environments.
Courses are taught by faculty with professional expertise and experience in the healthcare industry and research productivity in global health challenges. The program has an interdisciplinary approach to the curriculum and research endeavors that brings together faculty and students from a variety of backgrounds from healthcare, information science, data science, and information technology.

We aim to attract a diverse population of high-quality students who are interested in using technology to solve issues in healthcare.
Students enrolled in the program have rich learning experiences in the classroom and opportunities to participate in partnerships and collaborative activities involving educational organizations, industry, and government. They can expect faculty mentoring, an active student organization, and professional development opportunities.
The Health Informatics Lecture Series, hosted in the fall and spring semesters, features health informatics experts. Students are encouraged to join professional associations and network with stakeholders in the health informatics profession.
After completing the program, graduates will be able to:
- Describe the framework of modern healthcare and the current major challenges facing healthcare.
- Identify the concepts, methods, and tools related to managing data, information, and knowledge.
- Discuss legal, ethical, and societal issues impacting health informatics and data science.
- Identify users' information needs and design health information systems and technology solutions to meet their needs.
- Apply data science methods and computational and systems thinking to health informatics problems.
- Express the value of information literacy and lifelong learning.
- Demonstrate leadership skills, including communication and teamwork, in the implementation of health informatics solutions.
The MS-HI program is nationally recognized by THE EDVOCATE, College Rank, and CollegeChoice.
Career Fields
Graduates of the MS-HI program can work as clinical data analysts, pharmacy informatics specialists, electronic health records implementation managers, chief medical information officers, health informatics directors, and more.
"I was surrounded by faculty and staff who were invested in my academic success and career goals. I had the opportunity to connect with informatics leaders across multiple healthcare fields and had conversations with industry leaders that have been critical to my career success, as they gave me a broader understanding of real-world projects and the challenges health informatics. With the knowledge and skills gained, I have worked on many exciting projects in public health informatics."