Prashant V. of UNT Honored with Best Presenter Award for Launching IoT Security Research

The IEEE World AI IoT Congress (AlloT) 2024 is a prestigious event that heralds a convergence of thought leaders and innovators in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). This conference is a celebration of intellectual collaboration, offering a platform for discourse on the latest breakthroughs and trends within these transformative technologies. It invites a diverse array of scholars to share and propagate their latest research findings.

Marking a return to in-person engagement, the congress featured a selection of peer-reviewed technical sessions, fostering a rich environment for scholarly exchange. Moreover, it served as a critical interface between the academic world and the industry, catalyzing a robust conversation aimed at narrowing the divide between research findings, commercial ventures, and policy-making.

The event was structured to encourage a fertile exchange through panels, keynote speeches, and exhibitions, providing academics with insights into practical applications and industry challenges. Conversely, industry stakeholders gained access to avant-garde academic research, sparking dialogues around real-world issues that demand further scientific inquiry. The congress was set to be a cornerstone event, nurturing the symbiotic growth of AI and IoT sectors.

The Conference has nominated the best presenter award for each of their tracks. Prashant V. from UNT, who is executing his research under the supervision of Dr. Gahangir Hossain, presented a paper for track “Applications of IoT: Security, Trust, and Privacy” at IEEE AIIoT 2024 and received the best presenter award.



Published June 10th, 2024